In today’s blog post we will answer some of the most common questions we get from our patients regarding dental fillings and crowns. We will also go over why it’s so important to visit your dentist periodically throughout the year and how this will help you to avoid any issues with your teeth that would require you to receive a filling or a crown. Now onto the questions!
When it comes down to dental treatment there are many factors that play into deciding what is the best treatment for each patient. A filling is a good option to address dental decay, but the type of filling can vary due to how big the decay is within the tooth. Typically, if the decay is smaller, a filling would be recommended as this is a less invasive option that is also less expensive for the patient. It is also preferable because it allows the patient to keep their natural tooth. An extraction is also an option that a dentist can choose to address decay within a tooth, but this procedure is usually done only in emergency situations when no other treatment can be done to save the tooth. The primary goal of every dentist is to always try to save the patients natural teeth whenever possible. Chicago Smile Design will do the most logical and practical treatment necessary to save our patients natural teeth. Thankfully, saving your natural teeth will also save the patient money in the long run.
At Chicago Smile Design we use composite resin. This would be considered the BEST material for fillings. Composite resin bonds well to the tooth’s natural structure while still preserving the patient's natural tooth. Cosmetically speaking this material is also ideal because it very closely matches the shade of our patient's natural teeth. This allows us to use this composite resin material on any tooth in the mouth, making it indistinguishable from a patient’s natural teeth.
It should NEVER be painful to get a dental filling. At Chicago Smile Design our patients receive local anesthetic during filling procedures that effectively numbs the tooth and the area immediately surrounding the tooth in question. Once completely numb, the patient does not feel any of the dental work being performed. Although the local anesthetic can cause some immediate discomfort, most of our patients describe this as quite mild as well as very brief as it only lasts a few seconds before the anesthetic fully integrates itself at the site upon which time the site will be completely numb. Throughout any dental procedure performed at Chicago Smile Design, our clinical staff will do everything we can to always make sure our patient’s needs are being met so that they can be as comfortable as possible as they receive treatment.
If a patient neglects a diagnosed filling, the patient will often end up in pain. Usually, the cavity that was diagnosed to be filled will begin to grow larger and deeper. If the cavity grows large enough, there is a chance the decay can reach the nerve of the tooth, which would result in extreme pain for the patient that only a root canal, a crown or an extraction can alleviate. These other procedures can be very costly, while if a doctor stops the decay during its infancy with a filling, it would be much more cost-effective for the patient.
Maintaining regular cleanings and checkups with your dentist is also extremely important to avoid serious issues with your dental health down the line. At a dental cleaning your dental hygienist will remove excess tartar from your teeth which will then allow your dentists to effectively assess your oral health. While assessing the health of your teeth on a regular basis, your dentist will be able to detect any issues or unhealthy habits that, if left unaddressed, could potentially lead to future dental issues. Our hope is that if these unhealthy habits are effectively addressed in a timely fashion, our patients will never develop serious dental issues which will save them time, energy and money.
At Chicago Smile Design our goal is to keep our patients healthy and educated. Book your appointment today by texting or calling our office at #312-664-2100. We are excited to see you soon!
Dr Tomaselli
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