If visiting the dentist makes you cringe, you are not alone. Many people are afraid of the dentist because they haven’t been in a while. However, there are options available to you that can help you relax and feel comfortable for the visit. Visiting a sedation dentist can help you feel more comfortable because they use sedatives to help relieve feelings of stress, anxiety and worry. Sedatives provide many benefits, including overcoming fear, less pain, fewer appointments and saving money.
Save Money
While these sedatives cost money, they can save you in the long run because all procedures can be done in one office visit, so you won’t have to pay for repeated visits. You will be more relaxed throughout every procedure, whether you need just a simple checkup and cleaning or something more extensive. Talk with your dental professional first to find out how much these sedatives will cost you, and whether they charge by the hour or by appointment.
Fewer Appointments
Another great benefit of using sedatives for dental work includes fewer meetings for one procedure. Many treatments, including bridges, typically require two to four meetings to allow you time to recuperate between appointments. However, if you are sedated, you will feel no pain, will be relaxed and will be able to withstand the dental chair for longer periods of time.
One of the problems people find with long appointments is they become uncomfortable and tired of keeping their mouth open. Whether you are scared of dental appointments or are too busy, you can benefit from sedation.
No Pain
It is important to understand that dental procedures will be painful; this is the number one reason people are afraid to go to the dentist. With a sedative, you will not be in pain during treatment. Once the sedative wears off, you will likely feel some tenderness or discomfort. However, you will also likely receive a prescription for pain medication or be directed to take over-the-counter pain relievers.
Overcome Anxiety/Fear
The primary benefit of sedatives for dentistry is that you can overcome your fear of dentists, allowing you to have much-needed dental work completed. Sit back, relax, and have your healthy smile without fear. Contact our office about our sedation dentistry services.
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